Custom Lawn Care Programs

Below is a comparison of the custom lawn care plans that we offer.  Every custom plan starts off with a soil test so that we know exactly what your soil needs.  Once the results are received, a plan is designed specifically for your lawn.  These plans are designed to restore a damaged lawn.

We also offer a basic monthly treatment service for lawns that just need maintained and kept up.  Contact us today for more information and we can guide you through what’s best for your lawn.


Basic Services
  • Lawns with a weed problem and minor bare spots
  • Preventative Weed Control
  • Soil Treatment (Monthly)
  • Feeding (Monthly)
  • Weed Control (As Needed)


Mid-Range Services
  • Weed, disease, and insect problem with moderate bare spots
  • Preventative Weed Control
  • Preventative Disease Control
  • Preventative Grub Control
  • Soil Treatment (Monthly)
  • Feeding (Monthly)
  • Green It Up! Treatment
  • Weed Control (As Needed)

Basic Lawn Care Plan

Soil Treatment

Soil Treatment is often left out of Lawn Care plans, but is the most important thing you can do to have a full healthy lawn. The soil treatment products we use promotes growth and helps neutralize toxic conditions found in soils.


Based on your soil test results, we put together a custom feeding plan for your lawn giving it only the nutrients it's starving for. Keeping your lawn fed properly promotes growth, helps recovery from stressful conditions, helps keep your soil balanced, and helps the grass get that dark green color we all love. There's a lot more into it than just giving your lawn Nitrogen. There's a science to it.

Preventative Weed Control

Preventative Weed Control is best applied in the Spring before the weeds start germinating and when soil temperatures are optimal. If you apply it too early, then it won't be effective. If you apply it too late, then chances are weeds have already begun germinating. We keep track of the variables and apply it at the perfect time.

Silver Lawn Care Plan

Soil Treatment

Soil Treatment is often left out of Lawn Care plans, but is the most important thing you can do to have a full healthy lawn. The soil treatment products we use promotes growth and helps neutralize toxic conditions found in soils.

Weed Control

Unfortunately, some weeds will still sneak through the barrier of the Preventative Weed Control as the season progresses. As the weeds surface, we will treat them individually to help keep your lawn beautiful.

Preventative Weed Control

Preventative Weed Control is best applied in the Spring before the weeds start germinating and when soil temperatures are optimal. If you apply it too early, then it won't be effective. If you apply it too late, then chances are weeds have already begun germinating. We keep track of the variables and apply it at the perfect time.


Based on your soil test results, we put together a custom feeding plan for your lawn giving it only the nutrients it's starving for. Keeping your lawn fed properly promotes growth, helps recovery from stressful conditions, helps keep your soil balanced, and helps the grass get that dark green color we all love. There's a lot more into it than just giving your lawn Nitrogen. There's a science to it.

Preventative Disease Control

Preventative Disease Control is best applied at the beginning of Summer or when disease prone conditions are optimal. Our products help prevent/control most of the common fungus such as Dollar Spot, Brown Patch, Rust, and Leafspot.

Preventative Insect Control

Certain insects reek havoc on a lawn if not treated. Grubs, for example, will consume all of the nutrients in your soil that your lawn needs and causing sections to die. Preventative Insect Control is best applied in early spring and/or early Summer. We treat it before it gets out of control and apply additional treatments if needed.

McHenry Turf Services

Green It Up! Treatment

Our Green It Up! solution is a special blend of soil treatment, macro nutrients, and micro nutrients that lawns love. Consider it a treat for your yard leaving that dark green color that makes your neighbors jealous.

Gold Lawn Care Plan

Premium Soil Treatment

Soil Treatment is often left out of Lawn Care plans, but is the most important thing you can do to have a full healthy lawn. The premium soil treatment products we use promotes growth and helps neutralize toxic conditions found in soils. It also helps break up and loosen top soil to encourage deeper rooting.

Weed Control

Unfortunately, some weeds will still sneak through the barrier of the Preventative Weed Control as the season progresses. As the weeds surface, we will treat them individually to help keep your lawn beautiful.

Preventative Weed Control

Preventative Weed Control is best applied in the Spring before the weeds start germinating and when soil temperatures are optimal. If you apply it too early, then it won't be effective. If you apply it too late, then chances are weeds have already begun germinating. We keep track of the variables and apply it at the perfect time.

Premium Feeding

Based on your soil test results, we put together a custom feeding plan for your lawn giving it only the nutrients it's starving for. Keeping your lawn fed properly promotes growth, helps recovery from stressful conditions, helps keep your soil balanced, and helps the grass get that dark green color we all love. In addition to the standard feeding, we add additional premium nutrients to help prevent disease and a moisture agent to reduce the effects of summer heat stress.

Preventative Disease Control

Preventative Disease Control is best applied at the beginning of Summer or when disease prone conditions are optimal. Our products help prevent/control most of the common fungus such as Dollar Spot, Brown Patch, Rust, and Leafspot.

Preventative Insect Control

Certain insects reek havoc on a lawn if not treated. Grubs, for example, will consume all of the nutrients in your soil that your lawn needs and causing sections to die. Preventative Insect Control is best applied in early spring and/or early Summer. We treat it before it gets out of control and apply additional treatments if needed.

McHenry Turf Services

Green It Up! Treatment

Our Green It Up! solution is a special blend of soil treatment, macro nutrients, and micro nutrients that lawns love. Consider it a treat for your yard leaving that dark green color that makes your neighbors jealous.

Micronutrients Treatment

Micronutrients play an important role in plant growth and balanced nutrition. Most companies will continue to pump Nitrogen into your lawn even if it is not needed. During the months that heat stress occur, Nitrogen can cause increased stress on your turf and actually damaged your grass. It is important to continue feeding your lawn during this time with the micronutrients it's starving for. You can read more here.